Monday, November 2, 2009

I hope my arms can bind you...

Sometimes I look at take a look at my blog counter and see where folks are coming from to get here. I wonder, what brings them to this site, so I can see the various entry points. Most of you pop in from random searches, though I'm sure they aren't random to you, like walking through Shadyside and seeing something in a shop window that catches your eye. You see this object, it's not what you were looking for, but you think, "hey, that's neat!" and stop to visit for a moment. Others are distracted by the site and as soon as they realize what's here, turn their heads in disgust, click back, and slink on back out of my shop. Then there are others.

Those that seem to come by frequently, as if I'm that ex that works in the place beside their favorite coffee shop. They sneak in with their coffee, take a look around but try to avoid eye contact with me. As if I'm going to ask, "How can I help you today?" This gives me mixed emotions. On one hand, I'm flattered that someone would want to pop in. On the other hand, I feel exposed.

I'm that voice without a face or a name, so therefore I feel free to let all of my dirty laundry air (at least, as much as I let you see). I can expose myself to the world, without being shamed. Maybe you are intrigued, maybe you live vicariously through my rantings (as much as I do), or maybe you are disgusted but can't stop watching. But maybe, just maybe you are looking for inspiration, a friendly voice, someone worse off than you, an anonymous place to dwell. Maybe you too are looking for a friend and a hug.

How can I help you today?

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