Monday, September 1, 2008

Honey why you callin me so late...

I guess you can say that I've branched out, started a franchise. Looking to revisit what I'd lost or, at the very least, find closure.

There once was a time that I had wanderlust. I traveled and moved every couple of years, but never more than 4 years was spent in one place. I've been here a while. It reminds me of a movie I just rewatched recently,
"you know what they say when you get lost in the woods? If you stay put, stay in one place and don't wander, they'll find you. And I was just hoping you'd let yourself be found this time. I was hoping you'd let us find you. But you keep wandering and we can't. "
Well, I haven't been wandering. I've been right here, a mere miles from where I got lost, and yet no one ever came looking for me. I am here -- Where are you?

Is there some sign?

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