Saturday, January 17, 2009

You do something to me that I cant explain...

"He doesn't look well," I think. But it's not unwell in a mental way that you claim. Something else is going on that he dare not speak of. I started the evening wanting an apology, but soon realized it wasn't coming and nor was it important. Now I feel sadness and, dare I say it, pity.

Regardless, it's been a sad day from before it started. I awoke with a dream of someone I'd wronged. In the dream, he forgave me, but in life he's gone. We slipped through each others lives as silently as my seed through your fingers.

I'd wanted him from the moment we met in high school, and he the same, but we just never knew until it was too late. By the time we'd acted upon it, our paths were already diverging; mine into the thick and yours off into a valley of sunshine and rainbows. Did he ever find that pot of gold? I really hope so...he deserves it.

My mind is in a fog from mixing my drinks as momma warned me not to. Now I look for traces of them on the net, but I realize that this Orpheus has turned around too late.

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