Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd...

I froze. Surrounded by a spectrum of hair gel, polyester, tanning lotion, and pretense; it all seemed to disappear around me. A single light, produced in my imagination, tore through the streets and pulled my focus. Bodies, lithe slithered around me, but there was only one body in my sights.

He stood confident, beautiful and singing to everyone and only me at the same time. His eyes sparkled at me and only me; I was entranced.

Once the set was over, he made his way to his table selling cds and I intercepted him. Awkward words were shared, and then he ripped through the snaps on my shirt and kissed me long, hard...powerful. He put me on the tour bus and ravaged me through to Tulsa...

...or maybe not. We shared a friendly word, I got an autograph, and stood baffled and perplexed by his presence. What the hell.

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